
Posts Tagged ‘the wig’

EEK! For the past few days, I’ve been catching up with my horror movies, so my apologies for not blogging as much. 😦

So during that interim, I had the pleasure of watching South Korean horror movies (and I mean these ACTUALLY scared me!).  You see, the only South Korean horror movie that I watched before was Tale of Two Sisters, which honestly had no effect on me.  Sure, it was creepy as hell and freaked me out a little, but other than that, did not really scare me.  I don’t think I would even really consider that horror in my eyes, but whatever…  I don’t even get how it’s one of the best SK horrors out there.

Anyways, for the past 3 days, I had the chance to watch 2 great SK horror movies that really changed my mind about, well, korean horror.  And here comes my rant again!  Hehehe should be fun, I swear!  And just as a note, I don’t intend to offend anyone with what I say.  If you find it offensive, then simply don’t read it because I will express what I feel on my blog.  Thanks 🙂

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ SPOILER ALERT ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

The Doll Master

doll master

The first of the two I watched was The Doll Master (인형사).  As you can see from the movie poster, it was one scary movie!  The whole movie got me jittery about dolls.  Honestly, there is nothing freakier than having a human-taken-over-by-a-doll get revenge by chasing you around!  *shivers*  Throughout the movie, there was a constant reference to the dolls’ eyes and how dolls can feel emotion as well.  If you think about it, that’s weird…  Could it be true???  Dolls are made to look as human as possible, so…. I don’t know… the concept creeped me out.  Although the ending was a little weird to me, I found this extremely spine tingling and bloody!  YES!  This movie was absolutely gory near the end.  But back to the weird thing?  Right.  The ending was kind of weird because that doll that the girl didn’t recognize at first actually backed off once she remembered that the girl did love and protect her once awhile ago.  Personally, this made me think “say what?” because apparently now, dolls could have memories AND emotions!  Weird.  I know.  What’s more, they threw in the woman who was possessed  by the doll’s spirit!  This movie definitely made me glad that I was never that close to my dolls when I was a kid.  Good thing my mom didn’t really let me play with dolls and talk to them like an imaginary friend!  And she stored that doll from China away!  ‘Cause if she didn’t, I would’ve played with that doll A LOT and it looked like a ball-jointed doll.  (Thanks Mom).  Whatever, really weird (I know, I’m using the word yet again but it describes this movie really well!) movie, if you enjoy gory and eery movies, totally watch this one.  Worth your time AND money, although I watched it off the internet…


The Wig

the wig

One of THE scariest SK horrors you will ever watch!  And I’m dead serious.  The Wig (가발) is not joke…  Yet the ending was sad and touching as well.  So I’ll start from the beginning.  From the beginning, I felt like the director really made a good setting because I felt scared and lonely in the darkness and quietness of the room.  And since the older sister could not talk, it just added to the scariness!  The lack of sound almost created a hollow noise in the background for the movie.  And I bet you guys know what I’m talking about; that silence is the creepiest thing you can possibly hear!  Even freakier was the wig itself.  OMGZZZZ it was so scary when the wig was placed on the rack but when the younger sister came back into the room, it was on the floor back where it originally was!  That’s just freaky, when a wig (lifeless object like the dolls) can suddenly hold human qualities, and MOVE!!!!!  Ewwww I was shivering the whole movie whenever I saw the wig.  The only part I didn’t really like was the history of the wig.  Apparently, this ghost wanted to be back with his lover, so it was like a Brokeback Mountain sort of a thing…  Not the ideal history of why the wig was haunted.  If you ask me, it kind of ruined the spookiness of the movie (and the wig).  And seriously, the guy didn’t even look like a guy!  But whatever, that’s irrelevant I guess… 😦  However, this movie had an amazing ending.  As it turns out, the older sister killed her younger sister for nothing.  The damn wig had nothing to do with her appearance change!  So, the wig just made the poor girl hot for her older sister’s boyfriend.  I kind of like the twist here because in a way, it was psychological for the older sister.  And jeezzz, she’s really screwed because now her ex-bf’s dead and her younger sister is dead as well…  It would really suck to be her… she should be the one saying “FML” not silly teenagers who have to do homework.  Anywayzzz, the touching ending really hit it off with me.  I loved this movie.  Totally recommend it for you gals and guys.  🙂  I hope to watch more SK movies in the future that are just as creepy….

P.S. I’ve never been so afraid of hair in my life! -O-

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