
Posts Tagged ‘personal taste’

First of all, I’d like to apologize that there will not be any accompanying pictures with my blog.  Unfortunately, I did not bring my connector thing for my camera to the computer.  But, I will update with pictures once I get back home.

So anyway, I’ll begin with the flight over to SK.  I have to say, the flight was pretty decent.  I mean, when I used to go on long flights, I always had air sickness.  So I expected to puke like a madwoman and not be able to eat the food offered on the plane.  But, I was able to eat this time!  Yay!  I had Bibimbap (for the first time) and chicken.  Yea, the second meal wasn’t so great, but I loved the Bibimbap.  Yummy!  I remember after the first meal, I was so nervous of getting sick… 😦 I kept playing with the air sickness bag because I thought, any second, I was going to throw up everything I ate.  Hopefully the flight back will be just as fortunate.  And besides the whole food thing, the 2 men beside me were really kind.  They were both really Korean.  They used Korean to speak to the flight attendants, I mean, I was the only one using English.  Dammnnnn….  Any who, the old guy next to me (btw, I was the middle seat on the window side) kept talking to me on the flight over to Seoul.  He was asking me questions about New York and my family, and whatnot.  And, of course, he explained his story to me too.  He was chatting up about how he was a business man and he’s been to America several times to attend conferences and speeches by professors.  The guy also talked about how he loved ‘Mamma Mia.”  Quoted exactly: “The Korean culture is so conservative.  It was weird to see a girl not know her father because the mother was with many, many men.  But, you know, they could just look at her face, or take a DNA test.  Technology is so advanced.”  LOL The last part made me crack up.  And then he also bought a whole bunch of stuff… like, dude, plane stuff is so expensive… he bought a Lancome make-up set for his wife, chocolates, Cognac wine, and a set of crayons for his soon-to-be grandson.  So, so sweet.  😀  The best part of it all, was that when it came time to take your stuff out of the compartment, I was too short to reach.  Yup…. 1 of the guys next to me helped open the compartment and the other helped to take my stuff down.  Thankful!

Anyway, I have to go quick because it’s like, 11:40 PM right now.  I have to sleep or else I won’t be able to get up!  I still have circles under my eyes…. it’s kinda creepy 😦  So, I’ll move onto Day 1 now, which was very short may I say…

Day 1

The New York group was the last to arrive.  How wonderful… So, my roommate is this girl named Ting.  She’s really nice and funny, but really sleepy at the same time.  I feel like we get along well (I hope she feels the same way >.<).  But, I mean, okay.  We walked into our dorm expecting this luxury dorm room because the SK Global House is fairly new (opened in Feb. 2010) and it was beautiful outside.  Yea, no.  Nothing like I expected.  There was no balcony because my room is on the 7th floor and the 7th floor has no balconies, I guess?  But you know what else, me and my roommate are the only ones on the 7th floor.  😦 I feel isolated.  And I can only begin to name off the crazy stuff about our room.  Here we go!

1. No lesson in how to turn on air conditioning.  So the first day was spent w/o air conditioning in our room.  Extremely humid, I was sweating a pond!

2. There was a woody smell to the room, which made me feel sick and light headed.

3. No door exists for the shower area.  It’s just out in the open.  And the toilet is separated from the shower and sink.  Weird?

4.  There is a garbage pale the size of a large cup of McDonald’s soda.  It is located in the toilet room.  How sucky.  2 pieces of garbage fills up the pale!

5. The linen was definitely not clean.  I dusted it, yet there was still hair all over the place.  Especially on my blanket!  So disgusted, I just grabbed that blanket and shoved it under my bed.  Bleh…

6. NO T.V. OR FRIDGE IN THE ROOM!  So, so boring without the T.V.!  and oh my goodness, I was dehydrating last night!  I avoided water on the plane so that I wouldn’t have to bother the old man next to me to go potty.  So I ended up screwing myself over.  Darn.

I’m sure there were plenty of other stuff I complained about.  But that’s long forgotten.  I’ve learned to just get used to it.  I guess…  My roommate and I filled out this survey we were given and basically complained about every freakin’ thing in the room.  We requested maid service and all!  LOL… This morning, when we handed it in to the lady downstairs, she was so shocked, her face-  she kinda looked like this: “-o-”  I can’t get her face out of my mind LOL.  So yea, I went to sleep… woke up every 1 to 2 hours though.  It was hard to sleep through the night.  Don’t mean to complain and whine so much, but knowing that last year, the kids stayed at a luxury apartment, it’s bothersome.  arrggghhhhh!

Day 2

Woke up in the morning at 6.  It wasn’t that hot, but whatever.  Went down for breakfast with my roommate and all.  Satisfied my thirst with lots of orange juice.  lol… and then we happened to have to wear formal wear today.  but we also did a lot of walking!  Oh man, my pants were suffocating my legs!  I was sweating like a beast and my legs were numb with heat!  August is so freakin’ humid and muggy in SK!  Well, anyway, we did an orientation to welcome ourselves and then moved on to our First Lecture.  The lady professor talked so much and she went really slow with the teaching Korean part… Oh my goodness, I was falling asleep and whatever she taught just flew out of my head the second it went in.  It was more of a cram session than it was actual learning!  Ughh… but I took notes and hopefully I’ll use it to do some self-studying.

After, we went to this formal luncheon that had a cool buffet.  Food was good, I ate some sashimi.  Yum… but it was only salmon.  😦  Then, we did some more walking.  We did a campus tour.  Extremely hot. I was sweating non-stop.  Uncomfortable.  Then we just chilled in the Global Lounge.  They gave snacks and drinks.  Perfect.  Honestly, I’ve never cherished drinks so much before.  Nothing big.  I feel like I’m leaving something out, but I’m doing this really rushed.  I need to get to bed soon!  gahhhh~ Dinner happened.  The meat looked gross, but it tasted pretty good.  After, I shopped around with groups of people.  Didn’t buy too much.  I bought a cellphone key chain for my sister and 11 clips for my mom.  Hair clips are expensive in Korea!  Damn…. they must make some pretty hot clips.  These better be sturdy.  They feel sturdy, so I hope my mom likes them.  Mad expensive.  life sucks.  Some more sweat happened.  Went back to the dorm and ended up here blogging.  My roommate is probably sleeping now.  lol… I should go back, but I want to watch Autumn in My Heart.  erghhhhh…  Sleep doesn’t exist for me in SK.  Lawllzzz.  We got a free t-shirt too.  Yup, it’s pretty hot… small… really small… I should try it on later to see if it fits.  I’m like a small/medium.  Whatever, I’ll lost weight on this trip anyway.  Lack of sleep and loss in appetite.  Yup… my weight is going to drop pretty soon.  Okay… I’m going to stop blogging now before I really lose it.  I even feel like I’m hallucinating now.  I’ll be back tomorrow for more blogging about Day 3!  Woo~ I mean, this time, I won’t squish 2 days in one post.  Too long of a post and too much of a hassle to type.  Ugh.

O wait, I must mention that I took a picture with Kim Hyun Joong of SS501 today.  LOL, or should I say the cardboard version of him.  lovely… new fb picture, no?  and Goo Hye Sun was everywhere… I guess it’s because she’s really pretty and has beautiful skin.  And….. I saw Super Junior albums in the music store, along with SNSD, 2PM, Arashi, Kat-tun, Autumn in My Heart OST, Personal Taste OST, Boys Over Flowers OST, and etc.  Okay.  Time to watch a part of an episode to Autumn in My Heart before bed.  Night!

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